Tuesday, November 10, 2009


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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Calll Of Duty 4 Gun Sounds

This video is amazing. This guy took a whole bunch of gun sounds from CoD4 and made a song.

Check this out!

Are humans supposed to be able to "pop" like this?

This guy has serious moves. This honestly looks impossible to do but obviously it isn't. It's even more amazing that he has never been taught how to do it and just learned how to do it by himself :)

Brain Tweetin'

From Cosmic Log-

"GO BADGERS" isn't an unusual message to get from the University of Wisconsin at Madison - particularly when it's a status update from Twitter, the texting service that limits users to 140 characters at a time.

The unusual thing about this message is how it got to Twitter in the first place: via brain waves.

University of Wisconsin doctoral student Adam Wilson's cheer for the hometown team is among the first direct brain-to-Twitter messages ever sent - and it points the way to better communication systems for paralyzed patients who have to cope with the conditions faced by physicist Stephen Hawking and the late Jean-Dominique Bauby, author of "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly."

Wilson suffers no such disability - but he put on the electrode-equipped cap and sent out Twitter updates with his thoughts in order to test out the system. "SPELLING WITH MY BRAIN," he says in one of the messages.

Isn't that amazing? People who can't move or speak will be able to communicate! With their EYES! :D I honestly think this is one of the most important inventions ever.

Read the full story:


Cutting your lawn with goats? That's what Google's doing!

From CNET-

The economy is still in shambles, we're all panicking about the bacon fever, and even those bright and shiny "green" initiatives might not be so green. Sad!

But did you know that Google is conserving energy by cutting its Mountain View, Calif., lawns with adorable goats?

Yes, it's true. The company has enlisted an innovative start-up called California Grazing to bring some of the Google greenery a more carbon-friendly, less polluting alternative to lawn mowers. It sounds like the use of goats is confined to peripheral fields where weeds and brush could cause wildfires, so it's not like Googlers run the risk of having goats wander into their office buildings. No word on whether they pay the goats in leftover free food from the company mess halls.

"A herder brings about 200 goats and they spend roughly a week with us at Google, eating the grass and fertilizing at the same time," a post on the official Google blog read. "The goats are herded with the help of Jen, a border collie. It costs us about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers."

Honestly, that's really smart! Of course, it wont be that perfect cut golf grass but it'll be short. Of course, it isn't necessarily practical for a regular person but for Google I guess it is.

Amazing Technology or Impossible Claim?

Imagine driving 500 miles nonstop in an electric car, then quickly re-charging if you want to extend your trip. Sound impossible? It might be. Either that or a Texas company called EEStor has come up with a battery replacement called an ultra-capacitor that could make the internal combustion engine obsolete.

The company's claims have spurred the occasional debate on the Web for the last year. EEStor has said that it plans to "replace the electrochemical battery" in everything from vehicles to laptops. But experts are wary, and have been left to an advanced sort of guessing game, as EEStor hasn't been leaking out too many details about how its amazing technology works. The general impression, though, is that what they're claiming is probably impossible, or at least not as wonderful as it sounds. That said, a whole bunch of drivers would love to see the critics proven wrong.—Gregory Mone

Via Yahoo News.

Now what exactly does this mean for consumers? If this IS true, then we'll be saving a whole lot of money!

Read the full article at: http://www.popsci.com/article/2007-09/technological-breakthrough-or-alchemy

Simplicity and "action" rolled into one.

My Brute

I found this game a couple days back and it's pretty cool. You guys should check it out :)

Now, like I said it's simple so customization is very limited but either way the game is good.
Definitely something you should play if you only have lik 3 minutes (considering you don't really control your character.)

Here's my guy: Kumaru

Friday, May 1, 2009

This is why you're fat.

Okay, well a friend of mine found this yestaurant. Apparently, it's a website all about very fatty foods or something. Some of the stuff on there just looks weird...but other stuff looks AMAZING. Like the Bacone. Or the Junkyard Dog. Seriously though, this website is strange.

Cyanide and Happiness

Has anyone seen these comics? These things are FUNNY. Beware though, they do have a little cursing and some suggestive content (mainly the videos). Check them out at http://www.explosm.net/comics/

Unfortunately some of their comics contain a little blasphemy but most don't.

Here's my favorite flash of theirs: I Did It!