Friday, May 1, 2009

In the beginning...

...of this blog, there was a post. A post that explained stuff. This is that post.

Anyway, I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Marcelo D. and I am a your average Brazilian-living-in-the-U.S. teen.

Here are some of the things this blog will regularly include:
  1. Technological updates that will benefit the world like the new French Prototype Heart that is basically a plastic heart that can be used in place of a real one (for 200,000.00 US Dollars...)
  2. Video Games. I'll post some reviews of games I have played and also stuff about new releases, future releases, and my expectations for certain games and game companies (what's going to happen to them, what new systems will they be releasing, etc.)
  3. Technology that will NOT benefit the world (except in the Entertainment category.) Stuff like new vehicles like the P.U.M.A. (the love child of GM and Segway) and other things like robots, etc.
  4. Miscellaneous topics. This can include things from the categories of candy to flying monkeys. Basically stuff that really anyone would amazing.
  5. Even Political topics. I might talk about Swine Flu or what happened in Congress last week. Whatever stuff I find out on CNN or other various news sites.
  6. Religion. I am a Protestant Christian and WILL talk about God. I will post links to Bible studies and verses I find very touching.
Now, of course, I might venture off and talk about whatever I want to. Hehe.

That's about it. Tell your friends and visit often. :)